Prayer Center

Prayer Requests

  • Two phased request here. Im dealing with an addiction that i keep falling back into even when i feel like i have victory over it. I need prayer that God. Would provide me with wisdom needed to better equip myself when i face temptation. Second part i need prayer for is a strange throat ailment. Ive had it for 3 years at least. Ive researched it extensively online and the consensus is that it isnt really treatable. I really want it healed badly. So please keep me in your prayers
  • A friend lost her rental home after 9 years due to it being sold. She has two children and they are homeless in three weeks. Please pray for a home for them and Gods protection of her mind that she doesn't give up.
  • Lord please fix our rotten phone problems, for we have been in our current home for two years, and even after changing the phones out and changing the phone service company we still have the same problems with bad phone service, and the last house we lived in for four years we changed our phones out five times and changed phone companies two or three times and it did not realy help the problem, nor having a tech coming out to look at it has not always changed the problem either.
  • I have covid, have never been this sick. Please pray none of my family gets it.
  • A supervisor of mine has been hospitalized for 7 weeks, with Covid, pneumonia and complications. Please pray for his healing and restoration.
  • Hi, Stranded in Seattle alone. Trusting God to enable the car to get fixed so I can get home. Prayers for safety limping my car to a shop Monday morning, for honest mechanic, and for the work to be done Monday. Prayers for me to remain patient and think of others no matter what comes. Prayers to be an ambassador for Jesus through it. Thank you!
  • Please pray for my daughter Victoria who struggles with depression and anxiety.
  • My husband and I tested positive COVID. Praying that my kids do not get it. Asking for healing and recovery.
  • Prayer warriors, I need you again! Both my girls are going through scary medical problems. Alicia is having heart issues, waiting on an echo. Ashley had an ultrasound that revealed a 9cm mass in liver and a 3cm polyp on gallbladder, we are waiting for insurance to approve CT. I have placed them in God's loving hands to comfort them and give them strength. I am praising our mighty healer with every breath knowing He has never abandoned us. ?❤
  • Calling all prayer warriors .. I ask that you please Pray for my mother in law Lorena , she is a strong woman of Faith .. 7 years ago we found out she has a brain tumor they gave her at the time (2014) 6 months to a year to live …well we are now in 2021 and she is still here .. recently came across Covid and is currently in the hospital on oxygen and we ask that God restores her lungs for any spirit of infirmity to leave her body ! Brain tumor ,seizures,headaches,body aches to leave in the mighty name of Jesus .. nothing is impossible for him we know she will be healed and share her testimony and will touch lots of people.. but please pray for her ??… she is a walking testimony she only takes medicine to control the seizures no chemo or anything just living by Gods grace she never gives up on god no matter how hard things have gotten ! She tells us to keep our focus on Jesus.. he is the Doctor and has the last word and she will live and not die .. thank you ?

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Prayer Requests

  • Two phased request here. Im dealing with an addiction that i keep falling back into even when i feel like i have victory over it. I need prayer that God. Would provide me with wisdom needed to better equip myself when i face temptation. Second part i need prayer for is a strange throat ailment. Ive had it for 3 years at least. Ive researched it extensively online and the consensus is that it isnt really treatable. I really want it healed badly. So please keep me in your prayers
  • A friend lost her rental home after 9 years due to it being sold. She has two children and they are homeless in three weeks. Please pray for a home for them and Gods protection of her mind that she doesn't give up.
  • Lord please fix our rotten phone problems, for we have been in our current home for two years, and even after changing the phones out and changing the phone service company we still have the same problems with bad phone service, and the last house we lived in for four years we changed our phones out five times and changed phone companies two or three times and it did not realy help the problem, nor having a tech coming out to look at it has not always changed the problem either.
  • I have covid, have never been this sick. Please pray none of my family gets it.
  • A supervisor of mine has been hospitalized for 7 weeks, with Covid, pneumonia and complications. Please pray for his healing and restoration.
  • Hi, Stranded in Seattle alone. Trusting God to enable the car to get fixed so I can get home. Prayers for safety limping my car to a shop Monday morning, for honest mechanic, and for the work to be done Monday. Prayers for me to remain patient and think of others no matter what comes. Prayers to be an ambassador for Jesus through it. Thank you!
  • Please pray for my daughter Victoria who struggles with depression and anxiety.
  • My husband and I tested positive COVID. Praying that my kids do not get it. Asking for healing and recovery.
  • Prayer warriors, I need you again! Both my girls are going through scary medical problems. Alicia is having heart issues, waiting on an echo. Ashley had an ultrasound that revealed a 9cm mass in liver and a 3cm polyp on gallbladder, we are waiting for insurance to approve CT. I have placed them in God's loving hands to comfort them and give them strength. I am praising our mighty healer with every breath knowing He has never abandoned us. ?❤
  • Calling all prayer warriors .. I ask that you please Pray for my mother in law Lorena , she is a strong woman of Faith .. 7 years ago we found out she has a brain tumor they gave her at the time (2014) 6 months to a year to live …well we are now in 2021 and she is still here .. recently came across Covid and is currently in the hospital on oxygen and we ask that God restores her lungs for any spirit of infirmity to leave her body ! Brain tumor ,seizures,headaches,body aches to leave in the mighty name of Jesus .. nothing is impossible for him we know she will be healed and share her testimony and will touch lots of people.. but please pray for her ??… she is a walking testimony she only takes medicine to control the seizures no chemo or anything just living by Gods grace she never gives up on god no matter how hard things have gotten ! She tells us to keep our focus on Jesus.. he is the Doctor and has the last word and she will live and not die .. thank you ?

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