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Last 5 Songs Played

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We know how frustrating it can be when you’re listening to a new song but missed the song title and artist. While the Last 5 Songs Played are listed above, what if you heard the song yesterday afternoon? Or during the morning two days ago?

Our SongFinder Search is here to help! Simply select the day and time you were listening, and it will tell you what songs played during that hour.

Thursday 19th September 2024 - 11pm
Time Title Artist
11:03pm My God Can Katy Nichole Ft. Naomi Raine
11:06pm We Believe Newsboys
11:10pm Rescue Story Zach Williams
11:14pm God So Loved We the Kingdom
11:18pm Counting My Blessings Seph Schlueter
11:23pm Holy Forever Chris Tomlin
11:27pm Run to the Father Cody Carnes
11:32pm All Because of Mercy Casting Crowns
11:35pm Word of God Speak MercyMe
11:39pm Worship Through It Tasha Layton Ft. Chris Brown
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