Daily Devotionals

  • Jesus said, “Father, if you are willing, take away this cup of suffering” (Luke 22:42 NCV). Jesus could have confided......

  • The Bible that I carried as a child contained a picture of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. He seemed......

  • Perhaps you don’t need your hope restored right now. Your jungle has become a meadow, your journey a delight. If......

  • We ask God, “Where are you taking me? Where is the path?” And he doesn’t tell us. Oh, he may......

  • God, your rescuer, has the right vision. He also has the right direction. He made the boldest claim in the......

  • Our Shepherd majors in restoring hope to the soul. Whether you are a lamb lost on a craggy ledge or......

  • Can you imagine, just for a moment, how it feels to be out of hope? If you can, you can......

  • The Scripture says, “And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the......

  • God knows the way forward. No matter what kind of disappointment or grief or trouble or heartache you’ve encountered, God......

  • Water. All Noah can see is water. You can relate. You’ve known your share of floods. Flooded by sorrow at......

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