Prayer Center

Prayer Requests

  • need prayer...under a lot of stress... scared to lose my job, hard having the transition of my boyfriend and kids getting along, I'm 8 months pregnant, and my boyfriend cannot find a job.....feeling really down and have been crying constantly...just want to be at peace
  • I have Stage Zero breast cancer. The cells have not become active yet and I ask for prayer and healing that they do not. Thank you!
  • Prayer for a friend in ICU and prayer that an old co worker will come to know Christ.
  • My teeth are hurting (I have a sharp pain in my teeth). Please pray for God to stop the pain and heal my teeth.
  • Please pray for my family and I we are fighting for our lives from the evil of covid-19 does as well my husband with covid-19 pneumonia. Much love to the radio station we pray out loud and quietly.
  • Please, keep my daughter, Amelia, in your prayers. She says she has been gay for years and her husband just divorced her and he has let her see other people while married. She says she can't trust her parents since they wouldn't let her do what she wanted as a teenager. She says she is the happiest she has ever been. She is believing the world's lies. Pray that she won't be really happy until she comes back to Jesus. Thank you.
  • My daughter needs prayers that she can find her way back to the Lord. And that she will make better discisions in her life concerning her and her children.
  • Daughter is in the hospital. Prayers for her and strength for family.
  • I am asking for prayer for my husband he has been having really bad lower back pain. He says it could be like a pitched nerve and it’s been hard for him to bend down and even walk sometimes. Please pray that he gets better soon in Jesus name
  • I have some gastrointestinal problems that have been going through the past few months. It's starting to really concern me especially since the treatments haven't helped much at all. Id really appreciate the prayers for insides. Thank you.

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Use the form below to submit a prayer request to Positive Life Radio.


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(Please note: your name and e-mail will be kept private; only the title and message will appear.)

Prayer Requests

  • need prayer...under a lot of stress... scared to lose my job, hard having the transition of my boyfriend and kids getting along, I'm 8 months pregnant, and my boyfriend cannot find a job.....feeling really down and have been crying constantly...just want to be at peace
  • I have Stage Zero breast cancer. The cells have not become active yet and I ask for prayer and healing that they do not. Thank you!
  • Prayer for a friend in ICU and prayer that an old co worker will come to know Christ.
  • My teeth are hurting (I have a sharp pain in my teeth). Please pray for God to stop the pain and heal my teeth.
  • Please pray for my family and I we are fighting for our lives from the evil of covid-19 does as well my husband with covid-19 pneumonia. Much love to the radio station we pray out loud and quietly.
  • Please, keep my daughter, Amelia, in your prayers. She says she has been gay for years and her husband just divorced her and he has let her see other people while married. She says she can't trust her parents since they wouldn't let her do what she wanted as a teenager. She says she is the happiest she has ever been. She is believing the world's lies. Pray that she won't be really happy until she comes back to Jesus. Thank you.
  • My daughter needs prayers that she can find her way back to the Lord. And that she will make better discisions in her life concerning her and her children.
  • Daughter is in the hospital. Prayers for her and strength for family.
  • I am asking for prayer for my husband he has been having really bad lower back pain. He says it could be like a pitched nerve and it’s been hard for him to bend down and even walk sometimes. Please pray that he gets better soon in Jesus name
  • I have some gastrointestinal problems that have been going through the past few months. It's starting to really concern me especially since the treatments haven't helped much at all. Id really appreciate the prayers for insides. Thank you.

Submit a Prayer Request

Use the form below to submit a prayer request to Positive Life Radio.


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(Please note: your name and e-mail will be kept private; only the title and message will appear.)

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