Hello, I’m hoping to get prayer for our family

Hello, I’m hoping to get prayer for our family

I’m hoping to get prayers for our family and mainly my husband. He currently is in prison for felony dui. This is not his first.We had an attorney for him that we hired and she was not a good one at all…The judge had asked her to fix a psi report which is a pre sentence investigation report. It was wrong from the beginning and the the attorney really struggled with listening,being aware of the case more. She was very unorganized. The judge had asked her to fix it and get it in and she still has not from Jan.My husband has a rule 35 com ing up soon which basically asked the judge to reconsider the sentencing.He was given 10 yrs and has 5 fixed.This is alot. My husband had asked for a rider which basically is still prison but it focuses on the mental health side . The judge told him he was a waste of the tax payers money to send him on a rider. I don’t understand why that is a waste of money but just sitting in prison with the same issue isn’t. My husband does take accountability for his actions and is well aware that he is an alcoholic. He was doing very well staying sober. He was completely sober for 2 yrs. and very proud of himself. You could see he was happy.Then he tanked and here we are.He has done classes and recovery groups and he went to counseling on his own with out being force but it didn’t make a difference to the judge.WE have a daughter and they are close to each other. There is alot of anguish all around.

He has elderly parents that more than likely won’t be here when he gets out at this point. He had helped take care of them.I pray that God will show him and us mercy but give him what he needs to stay sober.WE need prayer. He also is going to do an appeal which is hard to win.The attorney won’t completely with drawl or do what the judge asked which is pretty important to his case. The psi helps the judge to determine sentencing.This attorney does not listen to much at all to what you’re saying. She just kind of fills in the blanks where she sees fit…very frustrating.

Thank you for reading , Cindy

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