My wife and I are seperated

My wife and I are seperated

My wife and I are currently separated we had been going through counseling and that brought out a lot of bad that I had done to our marriage. As of April 18th I stopped drinking and the following weekend I stopped all unfaithful acts. I am now in CR and getting help with my addictions. I am in the bible and growing everyday but I also feel my wife slipping further away everyday. I am truly saved now and am transparent unlike I have ever been, and I mean since probably 5 years old when I learned to keep secrets as older kids were abusing me. But now that I am clean truly washed clean I am growing and I hope and pray she will see this and God will soften her heart and give us one more chance. She is an amazing women who deserves a man who is in love with our lord and I am finally there and still growing. thank you for your prayers

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