Prayer Center

Prayer Requests

  • Please join me in prayer for my fiancé, Bobby. He just finished 6 months of chemo for colon cancer but it didn't work. It has now spread and caused kidney damage. The doctors say a cure is not possible but the bible says that with God, all things are possible. Lord, you are the Mighty Physician. We need a miracle. I ask that You remove the cancer and sickness from his body. In Jesus name, Amen.
  • Please pray for my family to receive the lord’s goodness, and complete salvation in their lives.
  • My wife and I are currently separated we had been going through counseling and that brought out a lot of bad that I had done to our marriage. As of April 18th I stopped drinking and the following weekend I stopped all unfaithful acts. I am now in CR and getting help with my addictions. I am in the bible and growing everyday but I also feel my wife slipping further away everyday. I am truly saved now and am transparent unlike I have ever been, and I mean since probably 5 years old when I learned to keep secrets as older kids were abusing me. But now that I am clean truly washed clean I am growing and I hope and pray she will see this and God will soften her heart and give us one more chance. She is an amazing women who deserves a man who is in love with our lord and I am finally there and still growing. thank you for your prayers
  • Hello. Please pray for my dad. He's 89 and has stage 4 cancer. And now back in the hospital with pneumonia. Very scared right now. Thank you. God bless.
  • Good morning friends. I'm asking for continued prayer for keeping my job. My boss is not a Christian & makes my office a toxic work environment. I feel I have a target on my back. I have a few minor health issues and always have a Dr note when I have infrequent absences. I'm 62 and want to make it to 65 so I can retire. Please join me in praying that I have protection from any ploy she may bring against me. Thank you and God bless you. ????
  • Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen
  • Please Pray for my Grandma, she had covid, and got covid pneumonia when she was sick. Please Pray, That her lungs begin to open up and are healing, that her oxygen goes up and stays in the high 90's without the high flow. That all her numbers go up, that she is being healed. Thank you
  • My boyfriend Josh lives in Oklahoma near the impact zones. He recently contacted me and is safe. We had not been in contact for about 3 months. Very scary times for both of us.
  • Please pray for Tracy who has recently been widowed, for God to comfort her and for financial provision for her.
  • I received a call that I have skin cancer and will be doing a process on my face on October 11, 2021 @ 8 am. Please pray that the dr can remove it all in Jesus name.

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Prayer Requests

  • Please join me in prayer for my fiancé, Bobby. He just finished 6 months of chemo for colon cancer but it didn't work. It has now spread and caused kidney damage. The doctors say a cure is not possible but the bible says that with God, all things are possible. Lord, you are the Mighty Physician. We need a miracle. I ask that You remove the cancer and sickness from his body. In Jesus name, Amen.
  • Please pray for my family to receive the lord’s goodness, and complete salvation in their lives.
  • My wife and I are currently separated we had been going through counseling and that brought out a lot of bad that I had done to our marriage. As of April 18th I stopped drinking and the following weekend I stopped all unfaithful acts. I am now in CR and getting help with my addictions. I am in the bible and growing everyday but I also feel my wife slipping further away everyday. I am truly saved now and am transparent unlike I have ever been, and I mean since probably 5 years old when I learned to keep secrets as older kids were abusing me. But now that I am clean truly washed clean I am growing and I hope and pray she will see this and God will soften her heart and give us one more chance. She is an amazing women who deserves a man who is in love with our lord and I am finally there and still growing. thank you for your prayers
  • Hello. Please pray for my dad. He's 89 and has stage 4 cancer. And now back in the hospital with pneumonia. Very scared right now. Thank you. God bless.
  • Good morning friends. I'm asking for continued prayer for keeping my job. My boss is not a Christian & makes my office a toxic work environment. I feel I have a target on my back. I have a few minor health issues and always have a Dr note when I have infrequent absences. I'm 62 and want to make it to 65 so I can retire. Please join me in praying that I have protection from any ploy she may bring against me. Thank you and God bless you. ????
  • Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen
  • Please Pray for my Grandma, she had covid, and got covid pneumonia when she was sick. Please Pray, That her lungs begin to open up and are healing, that her oxygen goes up and stays in the high 90's without the high flow. That all her numbers go up, that she is being healed. Thank you
  • My boyfriend Josh lives in Oklahoma near the impact zones. He recently contacted me and is safe. We had not been in contact for about 3 months. Very scary times for both of us.
  • Please pray for Tracy who has recently been widowed, for God to comfort her and for financial provision for her.
  • I received a call that I have skin cancer and will be doing a process on my face on October 11, 2021 @ 8 am. Please pray that the dr can remove it all in Jesus name.

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